IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society

Information for Reviewers


IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL) uses Manuscript Central as a means to receive and manage the review of all papers submitted for publication. A reviewer for our Letters must have an account on the Manuscript Central website, which has either been created by the reviewer at some point or by the Associate Editor.


Complete the review forms on-line at Manuscript Central and fill in all the information on the on-line review form. Important : Please provide "comments for the authors" that reflect and explain your evaluation of the paper to the author! It is not very helpful to tell the editor confidentially that a paper has no new information in it, so it is not suitable to publish, and then just list a few minor corrections in the comments for the author.


If you need to include complex math or figures that cannot be easily included in the on-line "Comments for the Authors" form, please create a PDF file with your comments and upload it to Manuscript Central